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Tools used: Figma, FigJam, Mobbin / Project's Year: 2023

Onboarding challenges in an ERP

The idea behind this project was to integrate an onboarding experience for new users of a complex legacy ERP system. The overall business goal was to reduce training costs, as there was a dedicated team spending hours teaching clients how to perform their daily tasks within the ERP product. We implemented a Time to First Value (TTFV) KPI to measure if the onboarding journey helps new users achieve their first meaningful outcome or complete a key task within the system faster.

Data-driven success

Our primary goal was to enhance user experience through measurable improvements in Time to First Value (TTFV). As a result, we achieved a remarkable nearly 56% increase in users reporting that the onboarding journey significantly eased their work and accelerated their proficiency with the new system.
A data visualization, showing how the TTFV metric has increased after the implemented onboarding journey in an ERP system.

Does lack of onboarding hinder new users?

During a Discovery session with one of our clients, we identified that their ERP software lacked initial guidance, making it difficult for new users to navigate the system and understand how to manage their daily tasks effectively.

Imagine arriving in a new city without any signs or welcome information. You'd have to rely solely on your instincts, which isn't an efficient way to orient newcomers. Consequently, it discourages them from staying.

This issue was particularly problematic for the business because it hindered process automation. Each time the system was integrated for a client, a dedicated team of professional trainers had to collaborate with the client's personnel to teach them how to use the system. This resulted in excessive resources being continuously reinvested in redundant support activities.
a screenshot capturing the legacy dashboard of an old ERP system
A screenshot of the ERP system's landing page, where no onboarding is being presented to new users.

Defining the problem

In addressing the challenge, our client focused on improving the onboarding problem by leveraging extensive platform documentation and lengthy tutorial video materials. This however isn't optimal as nowadays people look for a more intuitive way to get themselves quickly onboarded, so as a result, they often skim through such materials due to their time-consuming nature.


While having detailed documentation is essential, it doesn't necessarily mean it's the best way to onboard users. Unless it's easy to navigate, it can be time-consuming.

Lengthy, unengaging 

Videos are helpful to have, as research shows users often prefer watching videos to reading. However, long videos can be boring and not very engaging.

Team of professional 

Many ERP companies use teams of trained professionals to support their clients. However, this approach can be costly for the business and relies heavily on human factor.

The solution - Automated, role-based user onboarding experience

To match the various ERP users’ needs, we designed separate paths, each accustomed to the unique needs of the main job roles that use the system. The aim was to guide first-time users through the basic structures and main functionalities of the interface. The emphasis is on simplicity and friendliness, ensuring that anyone testing the system can easily grasp the essential aspects of it without requiring extensive assistance.
Introduction screens of the role-based onboarding experience.

Gamified onboarding - an interactive path to engage users

We created a set of built-in educational features. Using gamification, these tools employed practical, self-guided learning methods that new users found interactive and engaging. Through effective UX writing practices, we also simplified the system’s language, making it easily understandable for everyone.

This approach not only streamlined the onboarding process but also accelerated the learning curve, enabling users to quickly become proficient in using the platform.

To further enhance user satisfaction upon completing tasks, a success message has been crafted. Following the completion of the onboarding journey, users can always access help via the Help Center, positioned on the right side of the screen.
A screenshot of a legacy ERP system with a docked modal positioned in the bottom right corner, letting the user know that it has completed successfully all the onboarding tasks
Screenshots of the gamification onboarding experience. Introducing step by step process.

The future: custom onboarding for every client

This feature will empower each client to effortlessly configure a customized onboarding experience within the ERP’s UI, catering to the unique needs of their users. The vision is to provide flexibility through automation, allowing clients to tailor the onboarding process to align precisely with their users' requirements. This not only enhances user engagement but also fosters a personalized and efficient learning journey within the ERP platform.

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